Chamber of Commerce Committees & Events
Looking at the different committees below is an excellent way to help you define what our Chamber is all about. The power of Chamber membership is in participation. By bringing your skills, talents, and time to one or more committee you can be a powerful influence in helping to make our communities and their business environment the best they can be.
Ambassadors / Membership
This is a very active committee that meets to schedule and plan Networking, After-Hours, Ribbon Cuttings, as well as assist with events involving the Tri-County Chamber of Commerce. This committee also works to provide awareness of Chamber activities and to bring new members into the organization.
Sponsorship Committee
The Sponsorship Program is designed to solicit sponsorship for all of the Chamber events at one time in the early months of the calendar year. The program has 4 levels: Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. This committee is responsible to make the contacts and secure sponsorships to ensure funding for Chamber events.
Chair: Brad King (Covenant Financial LLC) & Dave Zech (State Farm Insurance)
Summer Sounds Concert Series
This is a very active committee that meets to schedule and plan Networking, After-Hours, Ribbon Cuttings, as well as assist with events involving the Tri-County Chamber of Commerce. This committee also works to provide awareness of Chamber activities and to bring new members into the organization.
Chair: Shaun Davis (Davis Cabinets0
Distinguished Service and Business/Organization Awards Banquet (DSA)
An annual banquet to honor community members, educators, businesses, and organizations that have given their time and service to our area. Nominations are solicited throughout the community and a dinner is held at Shadow Hills Country Club in November. Each year the following are honored: Educators of the Year, Youth Service, Outstanding Service, and Lifetime Achievement for each of three communities and an outstanding small business, large business, and organization in our area.
Chair: Owen Foust (Smok’n Gingers BBQ)
Scandinavia Festival & Chamber Member Appreciation Night
Coordinates the maintenance and work scheduling. Advertise and assist visitors and community members with information about festivals and events in Harrisburg, Junction City, and Monroe and services available in these communities. Also coordinates our annual members appreciation night at the wine terrace on the first night.
Chair: Rhonda Giles (Chamber Executive Director)
Parades Of Lights
Coordinates and plans the area’s annual Light Parades. The Light Parades are events held in early December. Floats, trucks, farm equipment, RV’s, animals, and Santa are all decorated in lights to join together for a festive start to the holiday season. The committee is responsible for recruiting entries, assisting staff with filing of local and state forms, ensure safety of the parade routes, stage the parades, and facilitate any cleanup after the parades.
Chair: Cody Fuller (Citizens Bank)
Santa Event
Host Santa at your business or organization after the Junction City Light Parade. You do the set-up and provide the treats (and other activities if you like). Our Light Parade committee will list you as the Santa sponsor when advertising the Light Parades.
Annual Meeting
The Chamber members gather each September to honor outgoing and incoming board members as well as give a report of the previous year’s activities. The committee is responsible to coordinate the award nominations and activities of the lunch.
Chair: Shaun Davis (Davis Cabinets)
Dinner & Auction
Committee plans the Chamber’s primary fundraiser. The Dinner and Auction is held the first Saturday in April each year. This committee plans the event and solicits items for the auction. They are responsible to plan all activities associated with the Dinner and Auction including both silent and oral auctions, raffles, wine pull, and various contests.
Chair: Barb Shipley (Harrisburg Library Guild)
Golf Tournament
Coordinates the annual golf tournament. A fun filled day in the fall of the year. The committee plans the golf event, recruits teams, solicits prizes, and works with the awards and banquet at the end of the event.
Chair: Dave Zech (State Farm Insurance)
Tri-County Business Showcase
This event showcases businesses, wineries, and restaurants in the Junction City, Harrisburg, and Monroe area. The committee is responsible for planning, promoting and running the event.
Chair: Michele Eldridge (City of Harrisburg)
Networking Breakfast
Invites and coordinates Chamber members to talk about their business. Held at the Moose Lodge in Junction City, it supplies a casual atmosphere during breakfast with opportunities for members to network with each other. Held the second Wednesday of each month from 7:30 am to 8:30 am. Contact the Chamber office for breakfast special and to RSVP.
Chair: Jamie Hooper (Jamie Hooper Photography)
Lunch Forum
This committee coordinates the Lunch Forums. They seek relevant speakers for each lunch and promote the forum. Held at 12pm noon the third Thursday of each month. Contact the Chamber office for information on the speaker and lunch special and to RSVP.