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Chamber of Commerce for Junction City, Harrisburg and Monroe Oregon 355 W 6th Ave, Junction City, Oregon (541) 998-6154

Monroe Festival

Monroe Monroe, OR, United States

Monroe Festival is June 24, 2023 from 10 AM to 6 PM. Follow their Facebook page at for updates as they occur. VENDORS: If you are a local artisan, crafter,…

Social Media for Business Workshop

Social Media for Business workshop at the Monroe Library in partnership with Roost Web Strategies. RSVP to

Junction City High School 1135 West Sixth Avenue, Junction City, OR, United States

This fun event allows children to climb on, explore, and discover their favorite big trucks, tractors, & vehicles! Climb, explore, and discover their favorite! Have a big truck, tractor, equipment,…

Harrisburg Firecracker 5K

Harrisburg Elementary School 642 Smith St, Harrisburg, OR, United States

The Harrisburg Firecracker 5K and Kids Fun Run is back, with proceeds benefitting the July 4th fireworks and kids events! 5K is $25 and Kids Fun Run is $10. Includes…

Pet & Kids Parade and Costume Contest

Harrisburg, Oregon PO Box 536, Harrisburg, OR, United States

Pet & Kid Parade and Costume Contest - Check-in 10:15 AM. Judging & Prizes 10:30 AM. Parade 11:30 AM. Check out all these kids activities happening July 2-4! Kids coloring…

Harrisburg July 4th Celebration!

Harrisburg, Oregon PO Box 536, Harrisburg, OR, United States

Three days of events July 2-4, 2023 Like - follow - share on Facebook

Flag Boat Parade

Harrisburg, Oregon PO Box 536, Harrisburg, OR, United States
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